Our goal is to breed healthy, kid friendly cockapoos
Lily is a white and red AKC registered cocker spaniel mom born 7/16/2019. She weighs approximately 20-24 lbs. She is by far our “middle child" cocker. She can play or she can snuggle. It really just depends on the mood of the person she’s around. She just wants some loving and attention.
Purty is our CKC registered black cockerspaniel mom. She was born 4/19/2019 and weighs approximately 30 lbs. She is the most submissive and mildest dog we have. She's ok with not being the center of attention but won't deny it if given the opportunity.
Leia is our AKC buff/apricot female. She was born 05/23/2020 and currently weighs around 19 lbs. She's quite the leaper/jumper. As you can see in the photo, she's on top of our 4 foot high bed. She's super sweet and playful!
Queen is our chocolate Merle that was named by our 4 year old who claims she is his and we just didn’t fight it haha. She’s AKC registered and was born 5/12/21. We’re hopeful to have her first litter sometime this year. She's currently 22 lbs. Her personality is much like that of Purty; very meek calm and mild.
Sadie is our CKC red merle mamma. She was born 6/13/21 and weighs 22 lbs. She yearns for human attention much like Belle and gravitates to anyone around that will give her attention. We're expecting her to have her first litter in late 2022.
Mary Kate is one of our newest cocker spaniels and hopeful future mammas. She’s almost identical to Ashley (Ash) which makes sense since they are sisters. MK was born 4/14/2022 and we expect her to have her first litter in 2023 and is AKC registered.
Ashley, or Ash as we call her, is almost identical to her sister Mary Kate with just slight differences. She’s an AKC registered cocker spaniel born April 14th 2022. We won’t be expecting any puppies from her or her sister until 2023!
Goldie is one of our buff moms born 12/15/2021. She's AKC registered and has been raised around our family her entire life thus far. She's had one litter of 8 beautiful buff and red puppies and was a terrific mom.
Asha is our CKC registered buff parti cockerspaniel. She was born 2/16/2023. She's one of our smaller cockers, weighing just 18 lbs. She's very playful and it was hard to get a head on shot of her. Her puppies should be on the smaller end of our miniature cockapoo litters.
Rascal is a CKC registered dark red miniature poodle. He was born 5/15/2020. He’s super sweet and so small. He’s only 10lbs and about 14 inches tall.
Smokey is our phantom CKC registered miniature poodle. He is not at all talkative and very submissive. He stands about 13 inches tall and weighs 14 lbs. He was born 5/24/21. We plan to have litters with him and Nyla, Sadie, and Queen in the near and distant future based on genetic testing we’ve had done on them.
Our puppy prices are set based on the economic principle of supply and demand in conjunction with what we offer in comparison with other breeders. They are heavily weighted on gender and even more so on color. We also offer one of the most robust health warranty and contracts in the market. The prices of our puppies are set and are non-negotiable. Occasionally we will adjust the price of puppies to accommodate changes in said supply and demand as well as due to the age of the puppy. The purchase not only provides you your new family member but also a supply of puppy food that the puppy has been eating, a few toys that the puppy has gotten use to, a health warranty for congenital defects, deworming treatment, a professional vet health check, a complete health record you can take to your vet, treatment for parasites, and two required shots before leaving for their new home. Also, we send updated videos via text messaging to all our buyers. This is fun as it will show the growth and details you can't get from photos.
In selecting your new family member, you'll need to make a non-refundable deposit of $500 via our website on the puppy you want. This deposit is non-refundable because once the puppy is held, no one else is able to purchase it. Should you change your mind or something happen that prevents you from picking up your puppy, we have to resale the puppy at a reduced price many times. The exception to this is if the puppy is determined to be unfit as a pet or has a congenital defect as both are outlined in our contract. Note: If you hold a puppy via our website and do not make a deposit within the hour, we will relist the puppy.
Learn MoreWe require all of our puppies to be picked up by their new families or they may choose ground transportation chosen by M&K Cockapoos of MS. This is due to several reasons, but the main reason is because we raise many puppies and a lot of times those puppies are being picked up at almost the same time. We can't possibly be at more than one place at a time. Other reasons involve costs along with care needing to be given on a regular basis at our kennel. We are a family owned business and don't have employees around to help maintain it while we are away. Ground transportation is contracted with an experienced and trusted transport that we have used in the past. If this is something you're interested in, please look at our health warranty and contract for details. Puppies, per our contract, are required to be picked up no later than their 9 week birthday. If your puppy is not picked up by their 9 week birthday, then the deposit will be forfeited and we will rehome the puppy.
ALL deposits are non-refundable unless the puppy is found to have a medical issue that will keep the Cockapoo Puppy from being a quality lifelong companion prior to pickup. SELLER reserves the right to return a deposit if the home is found to not be in the best interests of the Cockapoo Puppy. If you’re making a deposit on a future litter, the deposit is and will remain non-refundable regardless of the length of time between making the deposit and your decision to wait or not get a puppy. If you make a deposit on an upcoming litter, you’ll be given up to they are 2 weeks old to make your choice. Should you choose to not get the puppy you chose to hold at any time thereafter, the deposit is forfeited and the puppy is relisted.
Puppy is to be picked up before it is nine weeks of age. That if, and in the event the cockapoo puppy is not picked up by the time the puppy is 9 weeks old, then and in that event, the deposit will be forfeited. ALL deposits are non-refundable unless the puppy is found to have a medical issue that will keep the puppy from being a quality lifelong companion. M & K Cockapoo, LLC reserves the right to return a deposit if the home is found to not be in the best interests of the puppy. PayPal invoices can be sent for deposits; however, the PayPal surcharge will be added to cover fees charged by PayPal. All payments are to be made only in cash, money order, certified bank check, PayPal (surcharge added to final balance), Venmo (surcharge added to final balance), or cash (only accepted form of payment at pick-up). ALL forms of payment to be made payable to M & K Cockapoos of MS. If fees are not collected at deposit for puppy, they will be added to the final balance to be paid at pick-up. If a puppy is being picked up by ground transport, final payment and payment for the transport and required health certificate must be paid prior to pick-up. The final payment options will be limited to Venmo and Apple pay. If, and in the event the buyer isn't at the delivery location when the transporter arrives, the seller reserves the right to have the puppy returned at the buyer's expense, final payment less expenses refunded, buyer deposit forfeited, and relist the puppy for sale. Ground transportation option must be chosen in written form no later than 2 weeks prior to pick-up. Electing this option will require a notarized contract mailed to us prior to pick-up.
BUYER agrees to have the Cockapoo Puppy examined by a licensed veterinarian within 5 days of arrival. SELLER will provide the original health record of the animal to BUYER upon delivery. SELLER represents that at the time of delivery the Cockapoo Puppy will be current on vaccinations and will be free of parasites.
BUYER will present the original contract to SELLER in order to obtain refunds on any portion of this guarantee. If at any time within 5 days following the sale and delivery of a companion dog to the purchaser, a licensed veterinarian certifies the Cockapoo Puppy to be unfit for purchase due to a non-congenital cause or condition, or within 12 months certifies the Cockapoo Puppy to be unfit for purchase due to a genetic or hereditary cause or condition, BUYER has the right to elect one of the following remedies:
SELLER shall accept the veterinary certification of unfitness delivered by BUYER within 7 days following delivery of the Cockapoo Puppy. The certification must contain:
When BUYER presents a veterinary certification of unfitness to SELLER, SELLER must confirm BUYER’s election or remedy in writing. Where the Cockapoo Puppy has died, the veterinarian shall hold the carcass until SELLER is reached to make arrangements for autopsy. No refunds will be given at any time for travel to/from veterinarians, shipping puppy/dog, x-rays, laboratory fees, any treatments, medications or any veterinarian fees/care unless outlined above. SELLER guarantees for a period of one (1) year from the puppy’s date of birth that the puppy shall be free from *permanently debilitating or life-threatening hereditary and congenital disorders. (*Permanently debilitating is defined here as blindness or inability to walk or a heart or lung defect.) This guarantee does not cover non-life threatening or temporary disorders including, but not limited to umbilical hernia, cherry eye or uneven bite. If within this period BUYER seeks a refund due to a hereditary or congenital condition affecting the Cockapoo Puppy, SELLER must be notified immediately of the Cockapoo Puppy’s condition by being provided with a printed and signed copy of the Cockapoo Puppy’s complete medical history and prognosis from the licensed veterinarian who examined the Cockapoo Puppy and diagnosed its condition. SELLER retains the right to have the Puppy’s condition validated by a veterinarian of SELLER’s choosing. Such validation will occur within 60 days of delivery of the Cockapoo Puppy’s medical history to SELLER. Upon validation of the Cockapoo Puppy’s condition, SELLER shall refund the original purchase price of the Puppy to the Buyer within 60 days. Proof of neuter/spay (performed at the expense of BUYER) must be provided to SELLER before said refund can be honored. This portion of the guarantee is null/void if puppy is not neutered/spayed on or before the Cockapoo puppy’s 8 month birth date as agreed in the Spay/Neuter clause below. Proof from the veterinarian of spay/neuter as well as the original contract will be required should BUYER need to utilize the hereditary/congenital defect guarantee portion of the contract. Original contract must also be presented at time of incident. If any of this contract/guarantee is utilized at any time during the contract period, a non-disclosure agreement must be signed, notarized, and mailed before any funds are refunded. PLEASE NOTE: at no time, in any part of this guarantee, do we guarantee against conditions brought on by environmental changes, stress or exposure to adverse conditions that we cannot control once the puppy leaves our care. If the puppy shows no signs or symptoms of a problem we do not and cannot treat them. Therefore, we do not guarantee against Hypoglycemia, Coccidiosis, Giardia, Parasites (Internal or External), Viral, Bacterial or Fungal Infections or Ear Mites.
BUYER AGREEMENTS BUYER will maintain the puppy in good condition according to veterinarian recommendations, including but not limited to adherence to a regular immunization schedule, heartworm preventative, spay/neuter, proper nutrition/weight for age and structure, annual worming, and flea prevention. Dog should be tested for internal parasites every three months until one year of age and twice yearly thereafter. BUYER agrees to keep the puppy/dog as an indoor family member, never leaving the puppy/dog outside unsupervised in a yard unfenced or tied outside. The Cockapoo Puppy is not to be kept in a small crate or cage except for crate training or house training. BUYER agrees to keep the puppy in a safe, clean environment.
MISCELLANEOUS If BUYER is no longer able to care for the Cockapoo Puppy at any time during the dog’s lifetime, the BUYER agrees to find a loving home for the Cockapoo Puppy or return the Cockapoo Puppy to SELLER. It is not implied any monies will be refunded when the Cockapoo Puppy is surrendered to SELLER. SELLER will take into consideration the following when considering a refund 1) overall health of dog, 2) veterinarian records provided, 3) age of the dog, 4) temperament of the dog. SELLER makes no guarantees regarding the size or color of the Cockapoo Puppy. It is understood and agreed to by the parties to this agreement that this agreement and the purchase and sale of the Cockapoo Puppy shall fall under the jurisdiction of the laws of the city of Kosciusko in the state of Mississippi and that any matters with respect to this Agreement shall be dealt with as per the laws governing this location. This agreement is non-transferable. It is only in effect for the original BUYER whose name appears on this contract. By signing this agreement, I acknowledge that I have read, understand and agree to abide by the terms listed above.
Seller: ______________________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________
Purchaser: ___________________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________ _________By initialing BUYER grants SELLER permission to use any photos sent via email/USPS on future websites.
If we don't have any puppies listed as available, we don't have any available. Any puppies that we are expecting will be listed under an "Expecting Litter" page. If you are interested in purchasing one of our puppies, please call us to discuss. Thanks!
Smokey is a CKC registered miniature poodle that is a proven stud born 5/24/2021. He's been fixed. He's up to date on worming's and shots. We are rehoming him due to a change in our kennel structure and genetic pool. He's a great dog raised around kids. Contact us if you'd be interested in him. He's $250!